last remnants

drawn thru excess
the remnants we leave
those we take
and the ones we never mention
follow me down
these paths
some righteous
mostly not
with vivid memories
burnt upon my flesh
a soul
for what it does not know
hope will someday find me
till then…

©2024 scotsartwerkz


spells cast in uncertainty loom large upon my days
drought fraught with disillusionment thwarts this creativity
fallen upon lackluster desires and thoughts
where my words and images are lost to the nether
not lost to the thoughts of one day they will abide
and be free…

©2024 scotsartwerkz

18 x 24
acrylics on canvas

spectral divisionary reaction

winds blow in solitude and silence as evening reigns fall upon
wild nights storm
and the mind
does wander
wondering what and why
and how the
next days will arrive.
thoughts to the past don’t last
they fly by
like childhood memories
some encountered
some not remembered…
washing me down
like the wild nights reigns.

©2024 scotsartwerkz

altered focus

ambition suits in premise
in action its another movie
that fails to deliver on its promise
most things start off right but the lack of confidence
or the ever present overworking of thoughts, ideals and action
thwart the execution (now there’s an interesting phrase to describe the failures we endure)
there is no lack of ideas but the time and patience of me
gets in the way upon occasion…
i’m drawn into so many ways.

©2024 scotartwerkz